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Game between hermap12 and tesarve3

Score hermap12=0, tesarve3=0

Game between hermap12 and tesarve3

Game start
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hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['s', None, None, 3, 6]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', None, None, 2, 6]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['a', None, None, 4, 6]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', None, None, 1, 6]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['q', None, None, 3, 7]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['B', None, None, 0, 7]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['s', None, None, 2, 8]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['Q', None, None, 1, 7]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['a', 4, 6, -1, 8]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', 1, 6, 4, 5]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['a', None, None, 3, 8]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['B', None, None, 2, 5]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['g', None, None, -1, 9]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', 4, 5, 4, 8]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['g', None, None, -2, 9]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['B', 2, 5, 3, 5]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['g', -1, 9, -3, 9]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['B', 3, 5, 3, 6]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['b', None, None, 1, 9]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', 4, 8, 1, 10]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['b', None, None, -3, 10]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', 1, 10, 4, 8]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() took 0.00 s
Player hermap12: ['g', -3, 9, -3, 11]
Board after move:
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tesarve3.move() took 0.00 s
Player tesarve3: ['S', 4, 8, 4, 5]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
hermap12.move() caused error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
/", line 318, in move
    return stone.stone_info(self.myColorIsUpper) + [rp[0],rp[1]]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stone_info'

Game state:
self.board = {-6: {12: ''}, -5: {10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, -4: {8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, -3: {6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: 'b', 11: 'g', 12: ''}, -2: {4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: 'g', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, -1: {2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: 'a', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 0: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: 'B', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 1: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: 'Q', 8: '', 9: 'b', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 2: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: 'S', 7: '', 8: 's', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 3: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: 'sB', 7: 'q', 8: 'a', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 4: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: 'S', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 5: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 6: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: ''}, 7: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: ''}, 8: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: ''}, 9: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: ''}, 10: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: ''}, 11: {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: ''}, 12: {0: '', 1: ''}}
self.myMove = 12
self.myPieces = {'q': 0, 'a': 0, 'b': 0, 's': 0, 'g': 0}
self.rivalPieces = {'Q': 0, 'A': 2, 'B': 0, 'S': 0, 'G': 2}
self.myColorIsUpper = False
self.tournament = True

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