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Game between tomasj17 and akramami

Score tomasj17=1, akramami=15

Game between tomasj17 and akramami

tomasj17.algorithmName=Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
akramami.algorithmName=My Unmatched Perspicacity Coupled With My Sheer Indefatigability Makes Me a Feared Opponent in Any Realm of Human Endeavor!
Game start
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tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['s', None, None, 3, 6]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.00 s
Player akramami: ['S', None, None, 3, 7]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['q', None, None, 3, 5]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.00 s
Player akramami: ['A', None, None, 3, 8]
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tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['g', None, None, 2, 6]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.01 s
Player akramami: ['G', None, None, 3, 9]
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tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['b', None, None, 3, 4]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.01 s
Player akramami: ['Q', None, None, 4, 7]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['b', None, None, 3, 3]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.01 s
Player akramami: ['G', 3, 9, 3, 2]
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tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['s', None, None, 4, 5]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.02 s
Player akramami: ['A', 3, 8, 4, 4]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['a', None, None, 1, 6]
Board after move:
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akramami.move() took 0.02 s
Player akramami: ['G', 3, 2, 3, 8]
Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas
tomasj17.move() took 0.00 s
Player tomasj17: ['a', None, None, 2, 5]
Board after move:
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Game over
akramami wins in move 7
Score tomasj17=1
Score akramami=15

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